by Niño Manaog
To enhance the research skills of the faculty and staff of the Capiz State University (CapSU), the Research, Development and Extension (RDE) Center headed by Dr. Cora Navarra, vice-president for RDE, led a series of seminar workshops on writing research proposals recently in two venues.
On July 18–19, 2013, CapSU RDEC sponsored the Seminar Workshop on R&E Proposal Making at the Farmers Agricultural Development Center (FADC) in CapSU Pontevedra Campus headed by Dr. Briddo Dorado, administrator in Brgy. Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz.
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Members of the CapSU Pontevedra faculty rehash their research proposals. |
The training gathered some 50 faculty members and staff of the three colleges, namely: the College of Education, Arts & Sciences headed by Dr. Mae Dumapig; the College of Agricultural Engineering headed by Engr. Abelardo Bermejo, Jr.; the College of Business Administration headed by Dr. Honey lee Casa; the College of Nursing headed by Dr. Jinky Lynn Contreras; and the College of Computer led by Program Chair Cleo Villanueva.
Led by Dr. Navarra and supported by Dr. Guillermo Legada, Jr., research director and Dr. Emelita Solante, extension director, the participants studied the parts of the proposal and their papers were critiqued and polished for further improvement.
Led by Dr. Navarra and supported by Dr. Guillermo Legada, Jr., research director and Dr. Emelita Solante, extension director, the participants studied the parts of the proposal and their papers were critiqued and polished for further improvement.
For Engr. Abelardo Bermejo, the training helped a lot because a big number of proposals were corrected for funding which can be useful for faculty development. In particular, Abelardo said that it also provided him the opportunity to gain valuable technical capability in engineering fabrication. Bermejo co-authored with Prof. Kenny John Ballera for the study titled "Development of A Tractor-Mounted Organic Fertilizer Applicator" which was then presented in the university's annual RDE Symposium held on Sept. 5, 2013 at the CapSU Roxas City Campus.
Then on August 9–10, 2013, CapSU RDEC again hosted the Seminar Workshop on Proposal Making at CapSU Pilar Campus in Brgy. Natividad, Pilar, Capiz.
According to Dr. Marcela Buenvenida, first-term administrator of the Pilar Campus, neophyte researchers learned firsthand information through the hands-on approach given by the resource speakers. Buenvenida added that the CapSU personnel directly involved in research benefited much from the initiative—even as it rendered valuable impact on the faculty and staff of CapSU Pilar Campus. A big number of faculty members joined the writeshop and they were able to present two papers during the RDE symposium. The extension project titled “Skills Development, Advocacy, Volunteerism and Empowerment (S.A.V.E.) Program on Health” authored by Jennifer Benliro, Evelyn Borgonia and Marcela Buenvenida and its research component were presented. During the regional extension summit sponsored by the Philippine Association of State Colleges and Universities (PASUC) VI in Punta Villa, Iloilo City on Sept. 12, 2013, the study would win first runner-up in the Health Category and first runner-up in Poster Category.
Buenvenida said that that the capability building activity has given their faculty the confidence even as it served as the second in-house review for the campus after they held the first one in 2011.
These activities were fully supported by Dr. Editha L. Magallanes, CapSU president.
The resource speakers, facilitators and participants of the Pontevedra writeshop led by Dr Cora Navarra, vice-president for RDE (fifth from left, second row, standing) |
Photos by Eduardo Navarra and Briddo Dorado